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第5回 ISPACOSシンポジウム


2020年11月29日(日)12:00~14:40(日本時間) にWEB開催いたします。

 第5回は、「第2波・第3波のCOVID-19流行の中でのがん医療 ’誰と誰‘ が ’何のために’ ‘どのように’ 繋がるのか 」をテーマに、日本・バンコクの共同企画・同時配信にて開催致します。








◆参加申し込み方法 (How to register)◆

 以下のURLをクリックして、参加登録をお願い致します(Please click the URL below and follow the instruction)。

 ※参加人数:300名まで/Maximum participants 300




​ ご不明なことがございましたら、「」までお問い合わせください。


*5th ポスター 7th1105.jpg






The 5th ISPACOS Symposium will be held online 12:00-14:40 (Japanese time); 10:00-12:40 (Thai time) on November 29 (Sunday), 2020.  This time, the theme is “In the COVID-19 epidemic of the 2nd and 3rd waves, ‘who and who’ and ‘connect for what and how’ in cancer care”.  It is planned and organized by a joint effort of teams from Bangkok and Tokyo and webcasted from Bangkok.  The first part will be in Japanese and the second part will be with simultaneous interpretation of Japanese and Thai.  As always, we will have presenters having a variety of backgrounds, such as government officers, industrial employees, medical doctors, pharmacists, researchers, patients, patients’ family members. We look forward to your participation.

              *The Symposium will be held online with Zoom application

              *You can enter the room 30 minutes prior to the starting time.

This symposium has finished. Thank you very much for your participation.

◆How to register◆

 Please click the URL below and follow the instruction. (Maximum participants 300)


 ※When your registration is completed, Symposium URL will be sent to           your registered e-mail address.

  If you do not receive Symposium URL, please register again making             sure that you register your correct e-mail address.

*If you have any question, please contact 「」.

The 5th ISPACOS Symposium

English version

*5th ポスター英語版 5th1111.jpg

5th ISPACOS Symposium




※​ ★の部分を@に変更してご使用ください。

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